Office Renovations
Monday, May 21, 2007
Officially today, we have received the keys to our new office space in HDB Hub and we would be starting our renovation works in the next few weeks to come. Clashing headlong with the festive season makes it a little complicated, but we hope to have our renovation completed by end of March 2007 and start the second quarter with a bang! So far, the design has looked fantastic, and as a team, we are really looking forward into moving to the new office.
With our increasing staff size, our office is starting to get a little cramped… Not to mention the fact that we are still currently sharing an office with another company, and things do get pretty complicated sometimes. At the same time, I believe that it is a good morale booster for our staff as well, and it acts as a powerful indicator that our company is indeed growing.
At the same time, it would make our internal communications simpler. Right now, because we are all pretty scattered around the office, we have to walk quite a fair bit just to talk to one another. The close proximity that we can have with one another will hopefully create an even better bond between all the staff at Emcom!
We have recently added another web designer to our team, and we are quickly accelerating our marketing efforts. To coincide with our move to our new office in Singapore, we will be launching a marketing campaign in April 2007. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and needs, our campaign will be geared towards the end consumers. We strongly believe that we will be able to impact the way that people live, work and play. Wireless communications and lifestyle is here to stay!
Use IT! Love IT! Live IT!
Ignious Yong
Managing Director
Empire Communications Technology Pte Ltd (Emcom)